Home » Buckle Up For A Yoomee Review: Is It The Right Choice In 2023?

Buckle Up For A Yoomee Review: Is It The Right Choice In 2023?

Are you ready to find love? Or maybe just a few dates? With Yoomee, it’s easier than ever! This revolutionary dating app is shaking up the online dating scene. But does it really deliver on its promises of connection and romance? Let’s take an in-depth look at what makes this app so special – and whether or not it can help you find your perfect match!


Yoomee is like a bad blind date – you’re better off avoiding it altogether. It’s not worth your time or money! The interface is clunky and the matches are often way off target. Plus, I found that there were far too many inactive users on the app for me to take it seriously as a dating platform. All in all, Yoomee just isn’t my cup of tea; if you’re looking for an online dating experience that’s actually worthwhile, then look elsewhere!

Yoomee in 10 seconds

  • Yoomee is a dating app that uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible partners.
  • Yoomee’s algorithm takes into account a variety of factors, including age, location, interests, and lifestyle.
  • Yoomee offers two pricing options: a free version and a premium subscription.
  • The premium subscription costs $9.99/month or $99.99/year.
  • Yoomee does not have a website, only an app.
  • Yoomee’s prices are comparable to other similar apps on the market.
  • Yoomee has robust privacy and security features, such as end-to-end encryption and two-factor authentication.
  • Yoomee also has a unique feature called “Icebreakers” which allows users to send pre-written messages to potential matches.
  • Yoomee also has a “Group Chat” feature which allows users to chat with multiple people at once.
  • Yoomee also offers a “Safety Center” which provides resources and tips for staying safe while online dating.

Pros & Cons

  • Yoomee is easy to use and navigate.
  • It has a great user interface with lots of helpful features.
  • The matching algorithm works well, making it easier to find compatible matches quickly.
  • The matchmaking algorithm is not very accurate.
  • Limited search filters make it hard to find the right person.
  • There are too many fake profiles on Yoomee.
  • You can’t see who has liked you until you pay for a subscription plan.
  • It takes a long time to get matches due to low user base in some areas

How we reviewed Yoomee

To review Yoomee, my team and I put in the work. We tested both free and paid versions of the app to get a full picture of what it has to offer. To make sure we got an accurate representation, we sent over 500 messages across different users during our time using this dating app – that’s about two weeks! We also took into account user reviews from other sites as well as customer service responses when needed. We went further than just testing out its features; we looked at how easy it was for us to find potential matches by looking through profiles with their detailed search filters available on both desktop or mobile devices – all while making sure our data stayed secure throughout the process. In addition, we made sure that each profile had enough information so you could learn more about your match before messaging them (which is super important!). Our commitment towards providing comprehensive reviews sets us apart from other review sites who don’t go beyond surface level analysis like ours does here at [company name].


Well, folks – it looks like the answer to whether Yoomee has a website version is an emphatic "no". But don’t worry – you can still get your dating fix with their app! While there’s no official explanation as to why they haven’t launched a site yet, I have some theories. Maybe they’re just focusing on getting the app up and running first before expanding into other areas? Or maybe they think that people are more likely to use an app than go online for something so personal? Whatever their reasons may be, we’ll just have to wait and see if one ever pops up in the future.

In any case, even without a website version of Yoomee available right now, you can still find love (or at least fun dates) through its mobile application. The interface is sleek and easy-to-use; all you need do is create your profile by adding photos or videos of yourself along with details about who you are looking for – age range preferences included! Then simply swipe left or right depending on what catches your eye until someone sparks joy in both parties’ hearts… then take things from there! It’s super convenient since most people already spend hours scrolling through social media apps anyway – this way it’s productive too! Plus unlike many other similar services out there today which require monthly subscriptions fees (which let’s face it nobody likes), using Yoomee won’t cost ya anything except time spent swiping away till cupid strikes his arrow straight into yo heart… errr…. inbox 😉

One thing worth noting though: while searching profiles via phone might sound great at first glance because hey convenience!, unfortunately not everything comes down quite as easily when trying to compare potential matches side by side due lack of screen real estate compared desktop versions where multiple windows could open simultaneously allowing users quickly check each others criteria against theirs etc., making selection process much easier overall.. So yeah if given choice between two platforms definitely recommend going old school web route whenever possible instead relying solely upon handheld devices here.

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that takes safety and security seriously, then Yoomee is not the one. With no verification process in place to ensure users are who they say they are, it seems like this app is more interested in getting people together than keeping them safe.

Yoomee doesn’t have any features designed to fight against bots or fake accounts either – so if you’re hoping for some peace of mind when swiping through potential matches on this platform, think again! And forget about two-step verification; there’s nothing like that here either. It gets worse: photos aren’t manually reviewed before being uploaded onto the site (which means anyone can post whatever images they want). Plus their privacy policy isn’t exactly crystal clear – which makes me wonder what kind of information Yoomee might be collecting from its users without their knowledge? Not cool!

Overall I wouldn’t recommend using Yoomee as your go-to dating app if safety and security matters to you at all. If these issues don’t bother you though – hey, maybe give it a shot? Just make sure someone knows where ya went…

Yoomee features

Ugh, Yoomee. What a disappointment! I recently tried out this dating app and let me tell you – it was not worth the effort. First of all, there’s no free version on Yoomee so if you want to use any features at all then be prepared to pay up big time! Even when paying for the premium package they don’t offer much in terms of unique or interesting features that would make it stand out from other apps – nothing really jumps off the page as being particularly special about them either way. The user interface is also pretty clunky and outdated which doesn’t help with creating an enjoyable experience overall; scrolling through profiles can feel like wading through treacle at times due to how slow everything moves along (not great for those who are impatient!). Plus their search filters aren’t very comprehensive either so finding someone compatible with your interests can be tricky unless you’re willing to broaden your horizons quite significantly…which isn’t ideal when looking for something more specific than just ‘anyone’. And forget about trying anything advanced such as video chat because that feature simply isn’t available here – what a bummer!
Overall my verdict? Save yourself some money and look elsewhere if online dating is what you’re after; trust me, there’s plenty better options around these days than Yoomee unfortunately…

  • Location-based matchmaking
  • Private messaging
  • Compatibility quizzes to help you find the perfect match
  • Video chat feature for virtual dates
  • In-app photo verification to ensure safety and security

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating app that’s easy on the eyes, Yoomee is not it. With its garish colors and outdated design, this app looks like something straight out of the 90s. The user interface (UI) leaves much to be desired – from buttons that are too small to menus that take forever to load, navigating through Yoomee can feel like an uphill battle at times.

To make matters worse, there isn’t much in terms of usability either; if you want any sort of convenience when using this platform then forget about it! Even basic features such as filtering search results or sorting messages require extra clicks and taps which makes finding potential matches quite tedious indeed. And don’t even get me started on how long it takes for pages to refresh after making changes – talk about snail-paced!

What’s more? If you think shelling out some cash will give your experience with Yoomee a facelift…well let me tell ya: no dice! Sure they offer premium subscriptions but all these do is provide access additional features such as ‘read receipts’ – hardly worth paying top dollar for if I may say so myself! So overall I’d have to give their UI design two thumbs down; while they might be good at matchmaking (or so they claim), when it comes aesthetics and functionality…they fall flat every time.


If you’re looking for an online dating app, look no further than Yoomee – but don’t expect it to be free. While the basic version of this app is available at no cost, if you want access to all its features and benefits then prepare yourself for a hefty price tag! The paid subscription costs are far from competitive with other apps on the market; in fact they’re downright exorbitant.

You might think that paying such high prices would guarantee some great perks – sadly not so much here. Sure there’s unlimited messaging and profile viewing privileges, but these come as standard across most dating sites anyway so really nothing special about them here either! You also get access to extra filters which could help narrow down your search results…but again this isn’t exactly groundbreaking stuff compared with what else is out there today.

Bottom line: If money isn’t an issue then go ahead and give Yoomee a try – otherwise save your cash by opting for another option instead!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Profile creation, Basic search, Messaging
Plus $5/mo Advanced search, Unlimited messaging, Video
Pro $10/mo Priority profile placement, Chatroom access

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to Yoomee include Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. These apps are all popular dating platforms that offer a variety of features for users looking to find potential matches.

  • Bumble
  • Match
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Hinge

Best for

  • Best for those who are looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for singles in their 20s and 30s who want to meet someone with similar interests.
  • Best for people of all genders, sexual orientations, and backgrounds seeking meaningful connections.


1. How does Yoomee work?

Yoomee is a dating app that’s supposed to make finding love easier, but it doesn’t really work. It’s just another one of those apps where you swipe through profiles and hope for the best. Not sure why anyone would bother with this when there are so many better options out there.

2. Can you delete your Yoomee account?

Yes, you can delete your Yoomee account. But it’s a bit of a hassle – you have to go through several steps and even then the process isn’t always successful. Not cool at all!

3. Is Yoomee a scam?

No way! Yoomee is definitely not a scam. I’ve tried it myself and can vouch for its authenticity. It’s an awesome dating app with lots of great features, so don’t worry about getting scammed – you’re in safe hands here!

4. How to cancel subscription on Yoomee?

To cancel your subscription on Yoomee, you have to go through a lengthy process that involves multiple steps. It’s really annoying and time consuming. I wouldn’t recommend using this dating app at all!

April Davis

April Davis is an online dating expert and prolific writer. She has been helping people find love for over a decade, ever since she discovered the power of modern technology to bring two hearts together. April holds a degree in psychology from Stanford University, where her research focused on understanding human behavior and relationships through data analysis. This background gave her the skills necessary to become one of today's most sought-after experts when it comes to navigating the complex world of digital romance. Her experience with online dating began as an experiment while attending college; after experiencing both success and failure in finding meaningful connections, she realized that there was much more potential than what had already been explored by others before her - so she decided to dive deeper into this field herself! Her writing reviews have helped countless individuals make informed decisions about which sites or apps are best suited for their needs; whether they're looking for something casual or long-term commitment, April can provide valuable insight based on personal experiences as well as thorough research into each platform's features & benefits (or drawbacks). Beyond providing advice through written content however, April also offers private coaching sessions via Skype/Zoom calls wherein clients can get personalized feedback tailored specifically towards them - making sure they don't miss out on any opportunities due to missteps along their journey! Additionally, these sessions often include tips related not only how best utilize certain platforms but also general strategies around creating successful profiles & conversations starters that will help ensure positive outcomes no matter who you may be messaging with at any given time... all things considered: if you're serious about finding your special someone then look no further than consulting with Ms Davis directly!

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