Our Team

Welcome to Cupid Critique! We are a team of dedicated professionals who specialize in reviewing dating sites and apps. Our mission is to provide our readers with unbiased, comprehensive reviews that help them make informed decisions when it comes to online dating.

We understand how difficult it can be for singles trying out different services, so we strive to give you the most up-to-date information about all the latest offerings on the market today. With years of experience in this field, our team has developed an eye for detail and knows what questions need answering before making any kind of commitment or purchase decision.
Our experts have tested every single product thoroughly and taken into account various factors such as ease of use, features offered by each service provider etc., so that you get only honest feedback from us at all times – no sugar coating involved! Furthermore, we also conduct interviews with real users who’ve used these products extensively; their experiences often prove invaluable while assessing certain aspects which may not be evident otherwise during testing phases alone..