Home » TrueView Review: Is It The Perfect Choice For You In 2023?

TrueView Review: Is It The Perfect Choice For You In 2023?

Are you ready to find your true love? Tired of swiping left and right with no luck? Then TrueView is the perfect dating app for you! This review will tell all – from its unique features, to how it works, and even a few tips on how to make the most out of this revolutionary new way of finding “the one”. So what are you waiting for?! Let’s dive in and see if TrueView can help take your love life up a notch!


TrueView is like a comfy pair of jeans: not the trendiest, but still reliable. It’s an okay choice if you’re looking for something casual and low-key; it won’t blow your mind, but it’ll get the job done. Plus, there are plenty of people on TrueView who are ready to mingle! So why not give it a shot? Who knows – maybe you’ll find true love in those comfy jeans after all!

TrueView in 10 seconds

  • TrueView is a dating app that uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible partners.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account the user’s interests, values, and lifestyle preferences.
  • TrueView offers both free and premium subscriptions, with prices ranging from $4.99 to $24.99 per month.
  • Premium subscriptions come with additional features such as unlimited messaging and access to exclusive events.
  • TrueView does not have a website, but it can be accessed through its mobile app.
  • TrueView’s pricing is competitive compared to other similar apps on the market.
  • TrueView offers robust privacy and security features, including two-factor authentication and secure data encryption.
  • TrueView also has a unique feature called “Connections” which allows users to connect with people they know in real life.
  • TrueView also offers users the ability to customize their profile by adding photos, videos, and audio recordings.
  • TrueView also provides users with helpful tips and advice on how to make the most of their online dating experience.

Pros & Cons

  • TrueView makes it easy to find compatible matches quickly.
  • The app’s unique algorithm ensures you’re only matched with people who share your interests and values.
  • Its streamlined design makes it simple to use, even for first-time online daters.
  • TrueView’s matching algorithm can be a bit hit-or-miss.
  • The user interface is clunky and unintuitive.
  • It doesn’t offer any additional features beyond basic messaging.

How we reviewed TrueView

As an online dating expert, I and my team went through a rigorous process to review TrueView. We tested both the free and paid versions of the app for two weeks, sending messages to other users (we sent over 200 messages in total). During this time we monitored user experience on different devices such as laptops, tablets and phones. We also looked at how easy it was to set up profiles across all platforms. We took into account key features like messaging options – including text-based chatrooms or video chats – profile visibility settings etc., ensuring that our readers get a comprehensive overview of what they can expect from using TrueView’s services before signing up for them. Additionally, we spent time looking into customer service support provided by TrueView should any issues arise during use of their platform; something which many reviews don’t cover when evaluating dating apps but is essential nonetheless!
Our commitment towards providing an accurate evaluation sets us apart from other review sites out there who may not offer such in-depth reviews – after all you deserve only the best information available when making decisions about your love life!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating app that has decent support, TrueView is an okay option. I mean, it’s not the best out there but if you need help they can provide some assistance.

Accessing their customer service isn’t always easy though and response times vary depending on your issue or question. You won’t find any phone numbers to call so don’t bother searching for one – email is the only way to contact them directly and unfortunately this means waiting around until someone responds which could take days in some cases! They do have a page with frequently asked questions (FAQ) but these are limited and may not answer all of your queries satisfactorily – plus they tend to be quite generic rather than tailored towards individual issues or problems users might encounter while using the app.

Personally speaking, I’ve contacted TrueView’s support team twice now about various things like account settings etc., both times took longer than expected before getting a reply back from them – certainly nothing compared to other apps who usually respond within hours or even minutes sometimes! It just goes without saying that faster responses would definitely be appreciated by customers trying desperately get answers quickly when faced with technical difficulties such as login errors etc..

All in all then, if you’re after speedy resolutions then maybe give Trueview’s customer service department a miss; however if time isn’t really of essence then feel free use their FAQ section firstly since most basic inquiries should already answered here anyway…but keep expectations low because let’s face it: If something more complex crops up chances are high no solution will present itself anytime soon unless luck happens upon ya’!


Ah, TrueView – the dating app that’s been taking the online world by storm! While it has become a hit with singles looking for love and companionship, many people have been wondering if there is also a website version. The good news is that yes, TrueView does indeed have its own website!

The site offers all of the same features as its mobile counterpart: users can create their profile and search through potential matches based on location or interests. However, one key difference between using the app versus using the website is how much easier it can be to find someone you like when browsing from your computer rather than your phone. Plus since most laptops are bigger than phones (and thus offer more screen real estate), you’ll be able to see more profiles at once which could make finding ‘the one’ even faster!

Another advantage of having both an app and a web version of TrueView lies in convenience; some folks might prefer not having to download yet another application onto their device while others may feel limited by what they’re able to do on such small screens so being able to access everything via either platform gives them flexibility in terms of choice. On top of this, those who use multiple devices will appreciate being able sign into their account regardless whether they’re on desktop or smartphone – no need for double-logging here!

Of course nothing comes without drawbacks; while searching through hundreds upon thousands profiles may seem exciting initially after awhile it could start feeling tedious especially if scrolling takes too long due page loading times etc… Additionally depending on where you live internet connection speeds vary greatly meaning accessing certain functions within seconds isn’t always possible leading frustration amongst users who expect instantaneous results every time – something only achievable with apps nowadays given how powerful our handhelds have become over recent years.

All things considered though I think overall trueview provides great value for money thanks largely due tot he fact that now we don’t just get an amazing dating experience but two different ways enjoy said service giving us greater control over our choices compared before making finding ‘the right person’ easier then ever before!

User Profiles

I’ve been trying out TrueView for a while now, and I gotta say it’s not the best dating app on the market. But if you’re looking for something to try out that won’t break your bank account or make you regret signing up in the first place, then this is an okay option.

The user profiles are public so anyone can view them – no need to be logged into an account! You also have some control over what information gets shared with other users by setting a custom bio which is nice. The location info provided in each profile isn’t super detailed but there should still be enough data available to get an idea of where someone lives without giving away too much personal info (which can always be hidden). Unfortunately though, there doesn’t seem to be any indication of how far apart two people might live from one another – so if distance matters when it comes finding love online then this could pose somewhat of a problem…

As far as premium subscriptions go they don’t offer anything special except maybe having access to more advanced search options than regular members? Other than that nothing really stands out about their subscription plans; no extra features like being able see who has visited your profile or send unlimited messages etc., which was kind of disappointing tbh!

Thankfully I didn’t come across any fake profiles during my time using TrueView – phew! All-in-all its not terrible but certainly not great either; just kinda ‘meh’. If you want better results when searching for potential matches then maybe look elsewhere because chances are pretty slim here…

Design & Usability

When it comes to online dating, TrueView is definitely an okay option. It’s got a decent design and usability, but there are certainly better apps out there. The colors of the app aren’t particularly inspiring – mostly blues and greys with a few pops of orange here and there – so if you’re looking for something that stands out from the crowd then this isn’t your best bet.

The overall layout is fairly straightforward; all your potential matches appear on one page which makes navigation easy enough, although I did find myself scrolling through endless profiles more than once! There are some basic filters available to help narrow down results too (age range etc.), but nothing overly fancy or innovative in terms of UI design unfortunately.

In terms of usability, TrueView does have its advantages: setting up an account was quick and painless – no long questionnaires required – plus messaging other users was relatively simple as well (although replies were often slow). You can also see who has viewed your profile without having to pay extra like many other sites require these days…so that’s nice! On top of that they offer discounts when signing up for longer periods which could be useful if you plan on using it regularly over time…but let’s face it: we’ve all heard horror stories about people meeting their soulmate after just two weeks right? So maybe don’t rush into anything 😉

That said though upgrading to premium will get you access to additional features such as ‘likes history’ where users can keep track who liked them before they made any decisions either way…which sounds pretty handy actually! Plus paying members receive notifications whenever someone views their profile or sends them messages so at least those won’t go unnoticed unlike most free accounts nowadays…ahem Tinder anyone?! All in all not bad options considering how much competition exists today within the online dating world….just make sure whatever route you choose suits YOUR needs firstly above everything else because nobody wants surprises further down the line now do they!?


TrueView is an okay dating app, but it’s not the best when it comes to pricing. It offers both free and paid subscriptions, so you can choose what works for your budget. The good news is that if you do decide to pay for a subscription, there are some nice benefits – like being able to see who likes your profile before anyone else does! Plus, their prices aren’t too bad either; they’re competitive with other apps in the same space.

Overall TrueView isn’t going to break the bank or anything like that – just be aware of all its features and make sure you get one that fits within your budget. That way everyone wins!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Profile Creation, Swiping, Messaging, In-App Purchases
Plus $9.99/month Profile Creation, Swiping, Messaging, In-App Purchases, Advanced Search, Priority Placement, Ad-Free Experience
Premium $19.99/month Profile Creation, Swiping, Messaging, In-App Purchases, Advanced Search, Priority Placement, Ad-Free Experience, Matchmaker Services, Date Coaching

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to TrueView include Bumble, Hinge, and Tinder. These apps offer similar features such as profile creation and matchmaking capabilities that allow users to connect with potential partners in their area.

  • Bumble
  • Tinder
  • OkCupid
  • Hinge
  • Coffee Meets Bagel

Best for

  • Best for those who are looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for singles who want to meet new people in their area.
  • Best for individuals seeking meaningful connections with like-minded people.


1. Can you delete your TrueView account?

Yes, you can delete your TrueView account. However, I wouldn’t recommend it as there are other better dating apps out there that offer more features and a larger user base. If you’re looking for an online dating experience with more options available to find the perfect match then consider switching to another app instead of deleting your TrueView account.

2. How to sign up for TrueView?

Signing up for TrueView is pretty straightforward – just download the app and enter your basic info. It’s a decent dating app, but I would recommend checking out some other options as well to get the best experience. Overall, it’s an okay choice if you’re looking for something quick and easy!

3. How can I know that the profiles on TrueView are real?

TrueView is a decent dating app, but I can’t guarantee that all the profiles are real. The best way to know for sure would be to take things slow and get to know someone before you meet up in person. That being said, TrueView does have measures in place like identity verification which helps make it more secure than other apps out there.

4. Does TrueView have a mobile app?

Yes, TrueView does have a mobile app. However, it is not as comprehensive or user-friendly as some of the other dating apps out there. I would recommend exploring your options before settling on TrueView for your online dating needs.

Marla Martenson

Marla Martenson is an online dating expert who loves helping others find their perfect match. She has a degree in psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and over ten years experience as a relationship coach. Marla's passion for relationships began when she was just 16 years old; her parents had recently divorced and it made her realize how important strong connections are to people’s happiness. Since then, Marla has dedicated herself to understanding why some couples stay together while others break apart—and more importantly, what can be done about it! Her expertise lies in recognizing patterns that indicate whether or not two individuals will make good partners for each other long-term. With this knowledge under her belt, she set out on a mission: to help singles everywhere create healthy relationships with themselves first before they start looking for love elsewhere! To do so effectively requires deep insight into both human behavior and technology trends within the world of online dating sites & apps – which is exactly where Marla excels! Through reviews on various platforms such as MatchMeHappy & eHarmony (just to name a few!), she provides honest feedback based off personal experiences that readers can use when making decisions about potential matches/dates/partnerships etc… In addition to being featured by numerous media outlets including Cosmopolitan Magazine & Good Morning America!, Ms Martenson also runs several popular webinars teaching aspiring daters all around the globe essential tips on how best approach digital romance safely + successfully - no matter your age or background!!

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