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Robert Raskin

Robert Raskin is an online dating expert who has dedicated his career to helping others find love. He is passionate about the power of technology and how it can be used to connect people in meaningful ways. With a degree in Psychology from Stanford University, Robert brings a unique perspective on relationships and communication that he shares through reviews of various dating sites and apps. Since early childhood, Robert was always fascinated by human behavior - why we act certain ways or feel particular emotions when interacting with one another? This curiosity led him down the path towards psychology which eventually shaped his passion for understanding relationships better. After completing his studies at Stanford, he began working as an independent consultant offering advice on topics such as relationship dynamics, emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills development – all within the context of modern day digital connections made possible by online dating platforms like Tinder or Bumble.. His mission now is simple: To help singles make informed decisions when choosing their ideal partner using any available means necessary! From researching different websites & applications based on user feedbacks & experiences to creating comprehensive guides covering everything you need know before jumping into this world – Robert does it all! His work has been featured across multiple media outlets including Forbes Magazine where they praised him for providing “expert insight” into navigating today's ever-changing landscape filled with endless opportunities (and pitfalls) associated with finding true love via internet technologies...